If you have a baby on the way, you’re probably wondering if you should book a maternity photo session along with your newborn photos. As your Seattle family and newborn photographer, I have every incentive to tell you “Yes! You should.” But my reasons aren't selfish and I will explain why. I see a lot of practical benefits in booking a maternity photo session beyond the usual memory-keeping. Maybe some of these reasons I list below resonate with you.
I have worked with families in Everett, Seattle, Mukilteo and other parts of Western Washington for the past 6+ years and rarely do I do solely maternity or in-home newborn sessions. Families prefer booking both together as it ties into their newborn baby's story. Here are my top 4 reasons why you should book a maternity photo session along with your newborn photos.
you are expecting your first baby!
You’re excited! You should be excited. This is something you may have never experienced in your body before. Maybe you’d like to remember this time with photographs and that’s a great enough reason to do it. Your photographer will take all the steps to ensure you are comfortable and feel beautiful. We come ready with a lot of advice even before the photo shoot so you and your baby will be in safe hands.

...Or this is your last baby.
Yes, I know – never say never. But if you’ve decided you won’t be having more children, then this is a great time to photograph your whole family together like this one last time. With each consecutive pregnancy you might have gotten more confident in your body and this would be the perfect time to have some family photos to remember this time.

Maternity photos help you Get to know your photogrAPHER
I got an email from a first-time mother-to-be inquiring about a maternity photo session. In it she explained that she was looking for someone she could get to know and see if we could create a family-photographer relationship once it was time to take newborn photos. She was spot on with her approach. Working with your photographer at your maternity session gives you a great idea of their personality and how well they understand you in this totally new situation. You should expect your photographer to be highly prepared and observe how they deal with any questions you might have. This could be a lasting relationship so it will matter a lot how you feel working with them.

mOST PHOTOGRAPHERS OFFER A GREAT maternity-newborn discount
You can get a maternity and newborn photoshoot at a very big discounted rate when you book a “bump to baby” package with lifestyle family and newborn photographers like me. You can knock out two milestones in your family story and it’s great! Some photographers will even do a 1-year photo session with the newborn baby so if that’s something you’d like – inquire below.
when is the best time to book a maternity session?
Congratulations once again! If you're a pregnant mother, anywhere between 28-36 weeks is a good time to book a maternity session. This is such an exciting time in your life. It might also be just as overwhelming but there is space for all feelings in my photography storytelling. If you'd like to inquire, contact me below.